Strategic Initiatives
- Engage with local communities to prevent new STIs within rural, isolated, and indigenous people
- Introduce innovative funding strategies with community partners
- Implement cutting edge solutions through partnerships with pharma industry, technology and innovation
- Reduce STI-related health disparities and health inequities
- Achieve integrated, coordinated efforts that address STI epidemic
- Implement long-term and adapting processes within local communities that take co-ownership of solutions
- Implement financial innovation and strategies to organize funding to address health disparities
- Focus on relationship building across related industries and health departments
- Strive to engage with communities that experience institutional and systemic barriers
- Educate the workforce to implement department-wide equity trainings and assessments with feedback loops
what we do.
Learn more about our work

STI & HIV Rapid Testing
Mostly targeted to our LGBTQA population; If the test is reactive, we will confirm using 4th generation blood testing

Hepatitis C Testing
In person, mobile and at-home testing services offered.

STI, HIV, Hep-C Treatment
For Gonorrhea and Syphilis, need an in-person appointment but medication (Ceftriaxone, Bicilin shots) can be mailed to patients’ home

PrEP and PEP Services
Both pre and post exposure medication is offered after a telehealth or in-person appointment

Sexual Assault Services w/PEP
Training services to providers offered through partnership with Southern Nevada Health District

SSP and Harm Reduction Services
Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) offered to HIV and HCV population; SSP is an effective component of comprehensive community-based prevention

Incarcerated Population STI Testing
STI testing services offered through partnership with Nevada Department of Health

Linkage to Case Management
Increased linkage to and retention in STI + HIV care are strategies to improve prevention and treatment efforts

Education, Community Outreach
Maximizing Outreach and Access is one of our foundational approaches